修复 Wapiti 报告丢失 js 文件的问题

Posted on Wed, 25 Dec 2024 10:36:35 +0800 by LiangMingJian

BUG 描述

在 wapiti 的 3.0.4 版本中:HTTP request and cURL command hidden on html report,HTTP 报告缺少 js 文件。


官方 issues:Ok, when generating the html report it is supposed to copy the js file from wapitiCore/report_template into output directory, that is why it was missing。手动从目录 wapitiCore/report_template 中找到并添加到对应文件夹内。

参考文件 1: github-wapiti-issues @Maxime Alay-Eddine