PyQt5 Widgets:QInputDialog

Posted on Wed, 25 Dec 2024 16:06:59 +0800 by LiangMingJian


QInputDialog 继承自 QDialog 提供了一种简单的对话框来获得用户的单个输入信息。


  • 字符串型:QInputDialog.getText()
  • int 类型数据:QInputDialog.getInt()
  • double 类型数据:QInputDialog.getDouble()
  • 下拉列表框的条目:QInputDialog.getItem()
def getInteger(self):
    i, okPressed = QInputDialog.getInt(self, "Get integer","Percentage:", 28, 0, 100, 1)
    if okPressed:
def getDouble(self):
    d, okPressed = QInputDialog.getDouble(self, "Get double","Value:", 10.50, 0, 100, 10)
    if okPressed:
        print( d)
def getChoice(self):
    items = ("Red","Blue","Green")
    item, okPressed = QInputDialog.getItem(self, "Get item","Color:", items, 0, False)
    if ok and item:
def getText(self):
    text, okPressed = QInputDialog.getText(self, "Get text","Your name:", QLineEdit.Normal, "")
    if okPressed and text != '':


QString getText( 
    QWidget * parent,      # 标准输入对话框的父窗口
    const QString & title, # 输入对话框的标题名
    const QString & label, # 标准输入对话框的标签提示
    const QString & text = QString(),  # 标准字符串输入对话框弹出时 QLineEdit 控件中默认出现的文字
    bool * ok = 0,         # 用于指示标准输入对话框的哪个按钮被触发,若ok为true,则表示用户单击了OK(确定)按钮,反之取消
    Qt::WindowFlags flags = 0,         # 标准输入对话框的窗体标识
    Qt::InputMethodHints inputMethodHints = Qt::ImhNone 
); [static]


QString getItem(
    QWidget * parent,      
    const QString & title, 
    const QString & label, 
    const QStringList & list,  # 指定标准输入对话框中 QComboBox 控件显示的可选条目,为一个 QStringList 对象
    int current = 0,           # 指定标准输入对话框中 QComboBox 控件显示的可选条目,为一个 QStringList 对象
    bool editable = true,      # 指定 QComboBox 控件中显示的文字是否可编辑
    bool * ok = 0,         
    Qt::WindowFlags f = 0 
) ; [static]


int getInteger( 
    QWidget * parent,
    const QString & title,
    const QString & label,
    int value = 0,              # 指定默认显示值
    int minValue = -2147483647,
    int maxValue = 2147483647,  # 指定控件的数值范围,最小和最大值
    int step = 1,               # 指定控件的步进值
    bool * ok = 0,
    Qt::WindowFlags f = 0 
) ; [static]


double getDouble( 
    QWidget * parent,
    const QString & title,
    const QString & label,
    double value = 0,    # 指定默认显示值
    double minValue = -2147483647,
    double maxValue 2147483647,
    int decimals = 1,    # 指定浮动数的小数点位数
    bool * ok = 0,
    Qt::WindowFlags f = 0
) ; [static]